Board of Directors
Jim Parker, Skilled Musician,
Retired Law Enforcement

I was born and raised in Des Moines, Iowa. I graduated from Roosevelt HS in 1973.
While at Roosevelt I was introduced to the Valley Junction area. I started attending live music events at, “The Nowhere Club” which was the place to go if you were in high school, loved music, or played music.
It was a great place to go and be able to mix socially with HS kids from all over the area. It was the start of my desire to live in a diverse world.
I spent my senior year on its board. It was my first really great taste of the Valley Junction area and its people. I was hooked. The summer of graduating High School I joined the band, “The Cavaliers” which was a fulltime band that was extremely popular in the area. I played 8 years with the band. We were inducted into the “Iowa Rock N Roll Hall of Fame” in 2000. It is an honor that I’m extremely proud of to this day.
After I left the band, I changed direction and moved to Salt Lake City where I would live for 20 years before returning to Des Moines. I spent a 29-year career in law enforcement and retired from that field in September of 2010. When my wife Linda and I moved from SLC back to Des Moines in 2000, I took up playing music again. I was where I wanted to be.
Playing music brought me back to the VJ area playing events such as Music in the Junction, Jazz in the Junction, Cinco De Mayo, 4th of July, and other great events. I can’t imagine a season of playing and not playing in the Junction.
I’m in my 13th year of retirement from working and enjoying a wonderful life with Linda who is also retired. She decided to work part time at a clothing store, of course in VJ. Imagine that. Most of our outings for dinner are in VJ. It’s really a huge part of our lives.
When I was asked to be on the Taste of the Junction Board I was flattered and a little taken back at first. To have never resided in VJ and be asked is humbling. I believe I can bring dedication, direction, integrity, honesty, and a true love for Valley Junction, its people, and its history. I am excited to continue to learn its history.