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Pop Up Museum


Stories about Valley Junction Descendants 

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​The Pop Up Museum exhibit is a series of double-sided panels highlighting the diversity and culture of the Valley Junction community. Each panel tells a story of a VJ group or family beginning with some of the first families to the area. These families either immigrated from Central and South America and Serbia or were a part of the Great Migration of African Americans from southern states. 


Artist and 5th generation descendant Julia Roland created the art collage on the panels to honor the VJ people, culture, and cuisine that is the Taste of the Junction.


Our Iowa history captured in this mobile pop-up museum illustrates the power and resilience of a diverse people forming a community in the heartland. 

Mail Address:

Taste of the Junction,Inc.

P O Box 65131

West Des Moines, Iowa 50265

Taste of the Junction, Inc.

1312 Maple Street

John E. & Barb Long Honorary Roadway 

West Des Moines, IA 50265


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